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AEC Presenter Information

The call for abstracts for the 2024 AEC has closed. Review what topics we were looking for, the application process, and additional details.

Sessions will be held live at the 2024 AEC in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and virtually.

Speaker Resources


  • December 2023: Submitters notified if accepted or declined (accepted abstracts must accept the offer to present)
  • March 2024: Draft agenda posted on the website, session date, time, and room details sent to presenters

Room Set-Up

All rooms will have a standing podium, head table for panel sessions, wireless microphones and presentation laptop. Seating will be theatre style, except for learning lab sessions, which will have round table seating.


All speakers are asked to bring their presentations on a thumb drive that can be plugged into the provided presentation laptop.

Poster Presentations

Posters will be displayed in our poster hall and on our virtual platform.

  • Monday, July 15, 6 - 8:30 pm | Exhibition Grand Opening, Hall C
  • Tuesday, July 16, 9:30 am - 4 pm | Exhibit Hall, Hall C
  • Monday, July 15 – Friday, July 19 | Virtual Poster Hall

Poster Display Set-Up

Your location in the Poster Hall will be determined on a first come first serve basis. Posters can be set up between 9 am and 4 pm on Monday, July 15 in Hall C. Blank poster boards (4’x8’) and pins to attach posters to the poster board will be provided.

You do not need to be with your poster the entire time however, we strongly recommend you be in the Exhibition Hall with your poster during the Monday evening event from 6 - 8:30 pm.

If you wish to keep your poster, you must pick up your poster no later than 7 pm on Tuesday, July 16.

Poster Presenters are required to register for the AEC.

Virtual Poster Information

Please send a PDF version of your poster to egrenier@neha.org no later than Friday, June 30 to have your poster included in the Virtual Poster Hall,

PDF files should be in a 16:9 aspect ratio (e.g. 2560 x 1440). The poster viewer on the platform has built-in zoom controls so the absolute size isn't necessarily important, but a minimum of 2560 x 1440 will provide the clearest results.

Thank you for taking the time to present your research in the form of a poster and we look forward to seeing you in Pittsburgh and virtually!