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  • Periplaneta Americana Surveillance Method

Periplaneta Americana Surveillance Method

To identify cockroach infestations, it is important to do a thorough inspection. Surveys are used to determine the extent of infestations. Surveys involve bait and trapping cockroaches.

Inspections typically occur when an individual has begun to see cockroaches around a house. The severity of an infestation can be related to the individual's tolerance to cockroaches. An inspection is done through a cockroach survey (or trap). Surveys require placing sticky traps around the house or facility, preferably along walls or in the corner of the floor, shelf, or drawers. Most traps come with a bait to encourage cockroaches to enter the trap. It is normally recommended to have 10 trapping sites to gather information regarding the severity of the infestation. Once the traps have been collected, identification of American cockroaches can easily be performed. The American cockroach is one of the largest cockroaches in the Northeast US. It is approximately 1.5 inches long with a reddish-brown body. The center portion of its body is light brown while the outer edges are yellow. The adults have wings that span the length of the body. These cockroaches are capable of flying, but rarely do so.

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