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Completing Your Comprehensive Strategic Improvement Plan

About the CSIP

A CSIP is a Comprehensive Strategic Improvement Plan. It is considered a multiyear planning document for jurisdictions to use to determine how to obtain and maintain compliance with the Retail Program Standards. CSIPs are living documents that will need to be evaluated and changed as the jurisdiction grows and changes over time.

CSIP Format and Templates

There is not a required format, but the preferred format for a CSIP is provided here in two versions. Either can be completed (or updated) and attached to a 仙人掌视频-FDA RFFM Track 2 or Track 3 Base Grant, to meet the CSIP requirement.

  1. CSIP Instructions and Template | Word Version
  2. CSIP Template | Excel Version

Plan Should Include Standards, Steps, Leads, and Dates

  • Any Standard(s) not yet met by your jurisdiction and any individual Element(s) not yet met for those Standards.
  • Action Steps / Tasks Required to address the Standard(s) and Element(s) not yet met.
  • The Individual Lead for each of the Action Steps / Tasks Required.
  • The Target Completion Dates for each of the Action Steps / Tasks Required.

Future Changes

  • Target Completion Dates and Individual Leads responsible for Action Steps / Tasks Required may need to change throughout the course of the grant cycle. The plan does not need to be resubmitted if changes are made on these items.
  • Remember that this document is for you and your jurisdiction as you set your path towards conforming with the Retail Program Standards. Use realistic timelines, then revisit your CSIP regularly to update and adjust as needed.

Completing Your CSIP

  1. Complete a Self-Assessment of all 9 Retail Program Standards (SA9).
  2. Review the CSIP Instructions and Template using the link on this page.
  3. Use the template provided or determine the best format and plan for your CSIP.
    • If building your own CSIP, please use common formatting such as PDF, Word, Excel, or project management software.
  4. Use data obtained from your completed and current SA9 to complete the CSIP.
  5. Complete the CSIP ensuring all necessary information listed above is included.